After thwapping my forehead repeatedly, groaning and cursing myself, "HOW COULD YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN YOUR 4 P.M. APPOINTMENT?" I called the person I accidentally stood up and left a heartfelt "I am so sorry, I screwed up" message.
I'd scheduled a 4 p.m. phonecall with him and had even written 4 P.M. in two-inch block Sharpie on the back of my hand. Note the back of my hand -- where it would be visible all afternoon right under my eyeballs while I worked.
And then proceeded to forget it.
It simply stunned me that the clock said 4:30. I'm not sure if I spaced out and thought I'd made the appointment for 5 p.m. or if I simply thought it was 3:30. But just moments before I realized I'd missed the appointment by 30 minutes, I'd been thinking, "I've still got a little time before I have to make this call."
I really need to interview this guy for my story due next week. But I wouldn't blame him if he tells me to go take a walk off a short pier. He must be thinking, "What a ding bat. What a cornflake. What a scatterbrain."
This snafu so mentally discombobulated me that concentrating on research for my three upcoming deadlines wasn't not even a possibility.
So I set about picking up clutter and doing laundry, setting the egg timer for 15-minute increments. (We have an electrician coming tomorrow morning.) But frustration returned when I realized how icky and gritty basement floor was on my one bare foot.
I had only one shoe on because I'd somehow misplaced the other one. How can a grownup lose a shoe??? How?? How?
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