Thursday, August 26, 2010

Feeling drunk when you are sober is not my idea of fun

If you've ever tried to email after drinking 3 or 4 glasses of wine, then you know pretty much how I feel right now. Only, I have not been dipping into the sauce, nor anywhere near said sauce.

The morning coffee never really kicked in, to begin with, so at no time today have I been operating in peak condition. Went from horizontal dead slumber in bed to up-but-asleep-while-vertical-and-talking, to the state I'm in now, which is "upright but practically falling over dead onto keypad."

You know how a bottle of wine makes the room wobble, and you start seeing double? And if you are unwise enough to log on to your media device, and you try reaaallly hard to sound sober in your communication despite the fact that your eyelids feel like they're being crushed by cement blocks. That's how I feel.

It's late afternoon and I just got off the phone with an interview subject. The source was well-spoken and quotable -- meaning he speaks like a human being, not a freaking wonky-mouthed Six Sigma trainee trying to sound edgy-cated. In other words, the dude was halfway decent to converse with, despite his status as a dull city official. Translation: it was not a tough or boring interview. Yet I feel as if someone just threw me off a Tilt-a-Whirl and I could nod off.

Maybe I'll go take a nap and sleep this off. (Although what the bleep is there to sleep off?)

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