Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mental fog

Would somebody please tell me why farmers markets take place so damn EARLY? Can't they stay awake past noon? I'd even bring them a PB&J.

I understand they get up at godforsaken hours, like 3 a.m. or something -- I get that. But wouldn't they sell more cabbage (and earn more cabbage) by catering to the lazy-butt vegetarian townfolk like me who aren't bright enough to grow our own produce?

If they sold more, they could work less or even hire a second shifter to sit at their little card table peddling kohlrabi till 3 or 4 p.m. Even 2 p.m. would be feasible.

I'd love to patronize our local weekly farmers market downtown, get to know where the rural agrarian, eat local, save the planet, shrink my carbon footprint and all that happy horsepucky, but frankly, before noon, I AM A VEGETABLE. And not a very crisp one.

At some point today, I will need to summon up the energy to head to the grocery store. Right now, though, my head feels like it's stuffed with baba ganoush.

Anyone have any pita pocket bread?

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