Friday, August 27, 2010

Thought I got enough what gives?

All right, this is REALLY pissing me off. I.AM.GETTING.VERY.PERTURBED.

Middle of the afternoon, am very very aware that deadlines are looming looming LOOMING next week and I have not gotten very far at all on my three stories. The one I'm working on now -- expanding broadband to rural areas -- is making me dizzy because I'm reading legislators' press stuff and researching what's already been done on this topic, and I'm seeing three different numbers as the amount our fine state received to help fund this. Did we get 25 million? 38 million? 65 million? Or is 65 supposed to be an approximated sum of 25-point-something and 38-point something? And did the money come from the Department of Agriculture or Commerce? I'm seeing both. So which is it, or did both actually give money? I'm having a hell of a time following all of these press statements. I'd call the legislator, but first I want to know what I'm asking. You know?

What's worse is I really don't care. And I'm feeling drowsy. I can't help but think that a normal person would see the forest for the trees and boil the thesis down to a couple main points and get on with their day. But I groan and struggle like a kid the night before a book report is due.

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