Thursday, August 26, 2010

Adderall does not work

What does it mean when a person can just zonk out cold with generic ADHD meds in their bloodstream? Not to mention a pot of coffee, three cups of instant coffee and a Diet Mountain Dew.

And yet I behave as if I've taken a sedative.

Woke up from mandatory nap (it was mandatory because I had no choice in the matter) feeling cold (75 degrees in here, what's up with that?), feeling mopey and depressed (no particular reason) and am now trying to work on story and think of a halfway interesting lead (or lede if you want to be snotty) for the story.

Fog hasn't lifted. Got distracted looking up annoying term "due diligence." It's wonky and four people in the last seven days have used it in my presence. Is it a noun? Verb? Vegetable? Mineral?

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