Friday, January 21, 2011

Medicated but still scattercated

I'm trying. Really, I'm trying.

I've got this story to finish today. It's not that hard of a story -- just involves putting together a friendly conversation I had with a new chancellor. Sort of a welcome-to-the-area, here's the new dude.
But I'm just not getting it done.

I keep checking e-mail, getting mad at people who e-mail me, looking up words, looking up terms, looking up the meaning in German of the people e-mailing me. (One is "powder maker" in German. I found that interesting. Did his ancestors make baking powder? Mineral powders? Flour? Gun powder?)
I'm using a "spy novel" simile to my story subject, because, after all, he worked in military counterintelligence as a special agent, and he's been EVERYWHERE in the world (abeit this traveling was done when he was a dull, placid little teacher) and so of course I had to research spy novelists, spy novel plots, military counterintelligence, etc. etc. AND NOT SURPRISINGLY, AFTER FOUR HOURS, I AM STILL ON THE FIRST PARAGRAPH.

OK, that's not fair, I do have 350 words, but I wrote about 340 of them over this past week.

The frustrating thing is that I'M TAKING MY ADD MEDICATION. I should be organized and focused. Why isn't it working? I was organized and focused last night when I decided to yank everything out of the closet and paint the closet canary yellow. Now that was fun! But this? This is for the birds.

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