Friday, January 7, 2011

Highlights of the first week of 2011

  • Life Partner traveled 140 miles out of his way to his mom's house to retrieve Mea Scatternoggen's scattered belongin's: a slipper sock and five gloves, none of which matched any of the others.
  • Mea missed a writing deadline (is mentally incubating paragraphs at this break for diversion).
  • Ma and Pa Scatternoggen are coming to visit tomorrow, to "see the Christmas tree" and the main living space of the first floor is a tsunami of notes, notebooks, unread newspapers, leftover ungifted presents, a pile of jeans inherited from friend JB (just got around to trying them on today), dog toys, two vacuum cleaners (from an ambitious Sunday afternoon of Resolving to be Orderly), more newspapers, blankets, pillows, dog blankets, dog pillows, three cans of hair-mousse whose UPCs are awaiting the finding of a lost CVS receipt for an unfinished rebate from Herbal get the picture. Not exactly Mother Scatternoggen Material.
  • Mea finally sent out first Christmas card -- actually didn't send it -- a friend came to town so she handed the card to said friend.
  • Mea's fridge is empty because she didn't get around to grocery shopping.
  • Mea's wine rack is empty for the same reason.

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