Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fighting the Swirlies

Argh. Have been working on this stupid story all day (as well as all day yesterday, and all of last week) and I keep re-reading it, hating it and starting over. I must be on the 15th revision right now. All my notes are crammed into one file that if printed would probably fill a three-ring binder.
My entire body hurts, every muscle and fiber, and my tongue feels like it's been on fire for the last two weeks. And my toes hurt. WebMD tells me both hurting toes and tongues-on-fire are symptoms of hypocalcemia, which is abnormally low calcium in the blood. As is exhaustion, muddled thinking and weakness, all of which I have.
So now my mind is spinning around like a hamster in a cage, and I've exhausted myself to the point at which I'm ready to fall over. Hypocalcemia can be caused by a bunch of fairly serious-sounding things, and it can lead to a heart attack.
Meanwhile, am attempting to stay focused on this stupid story, which is already a week late. But I can feel the insides of my head start to swirl -- round and round like water spinning around in a toilet -- and that usually leads to my zonking out cold for several hours.
After which I wake up pissed off that I still haven't got this stupid story done. MUST NOT GIVE IN TO THE SWIRLIES. NO SWIRLIES TODAY!

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