Monday, September 13, 2010

5:55 far, still awake

   Have managed to stay awake all afternoon. My diligent day of phonecalls and determined work got waylaid when My Esteemed Life Partner brought it to my attention that an unopened gallon of organic milk expired Aug. 31. @#$%^&
   Had meant to make yogurt but then started tearing apart the kitchen to repaint every godforsaken inch of it, and for the last two weeks, the kitchen has been a construction zone.
   To my ambiguous delight, I found that the unopened organic milk smelled absolutely fine. Which meant I was obligated to make yogurt. I decided that taking a few minutes out of my day to boil milk would not be a problem.
   Three hours later, a broken coffee mug, a quart of scalded milk, a sticky floor, towels everywhere and a shattered Mason jar later, I returned to my writing.
   Because I wanted to multi-task, and cook more milk in the Pyrex pitcher while one batch cooled, I made the mistake of pouring hot milk into an apparently cold Mason jar. The bottom shattered right off and milk went EVERYWHERE. I mean, everywhere. On shelves, cabinets, in the lazy Susan thingie, all over boxes of cereal and the baseboards under the bottom cabinets, ON THE DOG, etc. etc. (Dog is fine, by the way; he got splattered by secondary or tertiary spillage from my feeble clean-up attempts.)
   Almost instantaneously, the kitchen smelled like the home of an infant. Milk is one of the grosser things to spill, when you think about it and what happens to pools of it that don't get mopped up. Haste definitely made waste in this instance.
   So now, in addition to a kitchen that was in a state of upheaval to begin with, with contents piled in other rooms, the place smells like upheave in a daycare center.
   Which reminds me. It's past nap time.

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