Friday, November 9, 2012

And now she's off Adderall...

As I emerged from the basement, covered in sawdust from my recent foray into using a circular saw (I'm making bookcases out of old drawers I found on the curb), I heard the hum from upstairs of the space heater in the bathroom...which was where I was, in the middle of drying my hair, when I went down to the kitchen for some coffee.

You see the trajectory. While the brainjolt juice was brewing, I decided to run down to the basement to see how my bookcases looked. This led to the spur-of-the-moment decision to accomplish the next step in my bookcase project, which was sawing more doohinkies to put the shelves on.

In the last two months, this Thing From the Deep has swallowed me. On the tally of lost items, just in the last 45 days, are the following:

  • One Sears MasterCard
  • Two pairs of prescription Geoffrey Beene eyeglasses (yes, TWO pairs)
  • A $10 Shell gas card

There are probably other items, as well, but since I do not have any up-to-date EYEGLASSES at the moment, I haven't missed the other items yet. (And if I did, I wouldn't be able to find them.)

Not good, people.

I stopped taking my generic Adderall, as well as my backpain remedy Tramadol, when my heart started doing wild acrobatics. I'm not sure which of the two caused the problem, but at the moment, I'm scared to go back on either of the meds.

So this means that theoretically, things were actually better inside the brain of Mea Scatternoggen at one time. Now THAT is scary.

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