Friday, August 15, 2014

Still rehabilitating from Thanksgiving

I made it through an overnight trip out of town and back without leaving anything behind besides a coat. For three days afterward, I couldn't find my polar fleece hat and my latest book, but they turned up in the bottom of my bag and in a pillowcase, respectively. The logistical situation, I declare, was a success. 

Never did find the MasterCard I lost last month, or the eyeglasses that fell into a black hole in September, but welcome to my life.

For the most part,  I'm still plugging along without Adderall --  with the exception of two doses of 1/4 tablet each on Thanksgiving, in order to sort out and pay attention to all of the various kinfolk conversation-strings being strung and woven across the room. I really haven't noticed much of a difference, since it never seemed like I was that much sharper on Adderall than off it. Dull on both sides of the knife, I guess.

Yamming it up in Scatternoggenville,

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