Thursday, April 26, 2012

Honey, I ate my brain.

The other day, I was eating lunch in typical ADD style, which I don't usually do but have been known to do from time to time. It involves eating in shifts, or attempting to multitask during mealtime (although not eating while multitasking). It goes something like this:

Eat, go do something, eat, go do something else, eat, go do another variety of something else.

Well, this time I get totally wrapped up in something when the microwave goes off, so I head to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, my brain is trying to resume thinking about what I was doing, in an effort to tweak the idea, build on the idea, improve it and plan to do the next step in the idea's progression while finishing my lunch.

THE PROBLEM IS: I have no freaking idea what the hell just consumed me not one minute ago. I know I was REALLY WRAPPED UP in it. But what? What was I just doing? It involved words, that much I know. Reading something? Paying a bill? Researching something online? Working on a chapter? Working on a story? Working on this blog? What?

Bottom line is it's not what I was doing that got interrupted that bothers me -- it's the fact that I've completely blanked it out. I even check my inbox to see if I just sent a message or had a pertinent website up. Nothing that I can see. It takes me about 10 minutes, but I finally remember I was composing my brilliant ideas for my dad's 70th birthday party into an email to a party co-conspirator.

What the hell? Is this early dementia? Too much caramel cream Coffeemate clogging the arteries to my brain? Brain cells dying off due to lack of oxygen and blood? Medications? It freaked me out when it happened -- but it hasn't happened since, and I'm telling myself it was just a byproduct of trying to do too many things at once and not being "mindful."

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