Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Brainfries with that?

Other than hooking up one dog to two outdoor leads and forgetting to hook up Dog #2, ye old brain has been functioning fairly well in this roiling, boiling humid heat. Which is contrary to my usual experience. (Don't worry, Humane Society, I'm outside working with them and am keeping track of the dogs' panting index.)

Today I am actually using my ADHD med, so I can't take credit for the unusual ability to focus and complete a sentence -- nor can the heat, apparently. So maybe it is the heat.

But yesterday it was 94 degrees and I didn't take the meds -- and I focused well enough to do 360 words toward my next deadline piece. In one sitting! 

I'm using this little kitchen timer I found in a clearance bin at ShopKo for 79 cents. It's the cutest little thing and can clip onto stuff, like your waistband. This seems to be helping quite a bit. I set it for 30- or 20-minute increments, and today I've been setting it to 40 minute increments. I promise to reward myself in between sessions by doing something fun -- but so far I've been working straight through and resetting the timer.

You have no idea -- this is groundbreaking for me. Who knew 79 cents could be such a good investment?

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