Monday, September 21, 2015

Strange fruit

So I went to my garden this morning to pick beans, and what did I find? Shoes.

Yes, the pair of fairly nice flats I wore last week to see the ADHD therapist. Growing right there between the green beans and Swiss chard. So much for that. I vaguely recall walking up the driveway, spotting some beans and getting distracted by them, of course, and harvesting a huge happy heap then and there.

I must have stepped out of my shoes -- no, not must have, obviously DID step out of my shoes. And there they stayed.

Over the weekend, I traveled out of town to work for my parents. Managed to get back home last night with everything I left with -- at least, I think everything's intact.

It was the item I didn't bring down there with me that bit me in the butt: My paycheck.

My dad had handed me and another coworker our paychecks and then asked me to follow him in his car to their house. He's ADD, too. He was in a hurry, so I left pronto without grabbing my purse.

Back at the store five hours later, I realized my handbag did not contain a check. I searched all over the store, trash, my car, bags and purse, dumping the latter out three times. I vaguely remember folding it up discreetly when my dad gave it to me -- but fog takes over after that.

Dad later called me last night to say he'd found the check in his car. Pfffewwwww.

But jeez.

So the reason he asked me to drive his car home in the first place -- not that it's to blame in any way. The evening prior, my parents (who drove separate cars) left work early to go to church and dinner directly from work (we all worked together Saturday). Since they took off in my mom's car, he completely forgot that he left his own car (unlocked and windows wide open) at the store overnight until he arrived at work Sunday morning in my mother's car and saw what appeared to be a car just like his.

He even had to check the license plate to convince himself it WAS his, as he hadn't noticed his car missing when he pulled out of the garage in my mother's car.

The tree doesn't grow far from the apple.

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