Sunday, February 1, 2015

Shoes this time

So one day this week, I wandered around the house for 15 minutes with my coat and mittens on, with one shoe on and one shoe off. Isn't it obvious what I was doing? Looking for the shoe's mate.

I'd gotten the hounds leashed- and sweatered-up, had my phone, MP3 player, poop bags and all of the ingredients that go into a dog walk. While sitting on the step, putting on my shoes, I remembered that I needed to call the vet and make an appointment for Hound No. 1. So I ran mid-shoe to the kitchen to make the call.

I then noticed dishes in the sink that needed to be put in the dishwasher because it was wet outside and I no doubt would need to put Hound No. 2 in the sink to de-muddify his hairy paws after the walk.

This led to cleaning off the counter, updating the grocery list posted on the fridge and checking my email.

When I finally got my act together, I realized only one foot was shod.  My poor dogs were forced to wait patiently while the Scatternoggen wandered around the house like a 5-year-old, looking for her left shoe. My better half finally pointed it out, on the floor at the foot of the staircase, also waiting for me.

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