Sunday, November 9, 2014

Burning socks, drowning electronics

We've had our new microwave for four days now, and already, I've burned up two pairs of socks. It's not funny. 

Let me explain: It's freaking cold outside (30s) and my hands are terribly prone to freezing, so I like to carry hot bags of rice or other grain or legume in my mittens. 

The first hosiery execution can be chalked up to the newness factor of the microwave -- there's always a learning curve while you get used to a new appliance, its whims and personality. This one is just plain prejudiced against socks. White socks. (Hey, maybe it's a certain neighboring state's baseball team it doesn't like.)

Tonight I put a pair of rice-filled cotton anklets in for just 36 seconds. A whirling black fog practically hurled me across the room when I opened up the door. It continued to smolder for a half hour in the trashcan outside. Thanks to my dogs needing certain byproducts to be disposed of, I opened the trash can (again, to a whirling black fog) and found it continuing to smoke and smolder. 

From now on, I'm pledging to heat the rice up separately (in a bowl) and spoon it into the socks, rather than heating up the socks. 

Speaking of issues with new electronics, my significant other's new SanDisk MP3 player arrived a handful of days ago. It's a replacement of the one I accidentally dropped in the toilet when I forgot it was clipped to the waistband of my sweatpants. (Oops ...)